WooCommerce Delivery Time

Welcome! First of all we want to thank you for purchasing our WooCommerce Delivery Time for Shipping plugin.

In the following sections we will show you how to set up and use the plugin the easiest way possible. Although there’re a lot of things written in this documentation, the plugin itself is not very hard to use. You can go to the plugin settings page and discover everything yourself. This file is more of a reference if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to ask your questions at the support ticket system.

Files included

The download package (.zip) that you get from CodeCanyon contains the following files and folder:

  • woocommerce-delivery-time.zip: main plugin file that need to be uploaded to host to install.
  • docs.html: the documentation file (copy of this page)
  • Licensing: folder of license terms.


After download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file woocommerce-delivery-time.zip.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then click to Plugins -> Add New menu on the left.

add new plugin

In the next page, select the woocommerce-delivery-time.zip file and click Install Now

upload plugin

After uploading the plugin, click Activate Now link to activate the plugin.


If you have an old version of the plugin, please follow the steps below to update it to the latest version:

  • Download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file woocommerce-delivery-time.zip.
  • Unzip the woocommerce-delivery-time.zip to get woocommerce-delivery-time folder.
  • Upload woocommerce-delivery-time folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, overwrite old plugin files


All the plugin settings are merged into WooCommerce’s settings. To see them, please go to WooCommerce -> Settings and click the Shipping tab.

You will see all settings in the bottom of this page.

Below are descriptions of all the settings:


This option make the delivery time mandatory field. Customer must enter delivery time to make order.

Disable for shipping methods

This option allows you to disable the date, time picker for specific shipping methods. Note that, the field is still shown in the checkout page, but when people select a shipping method which is marked as disabled in this option, the input doesn’t show date, time picker for them to select.


This is the text label appeared above the input on the checkout page. By default it’s Delivery Time, but you can change it to anything.

Date format

Format a date into a string value with a specified format. The format can be combinations of the following:

  • d – day of month (no leading zero)
  • dd – day of month (two digit)
  • o – day of the year (no leading zeros)
  • oo – day of the year (three digit)
  • D – day name short
  • DD – day name long
  • m – month of year (no leading zero)
  • mm – month of year (two digit)
  • M – month name short
  • MM – month name long
  • y – year (two digit)
  • yy – year (four digit)
  • @ – Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
  • ! – Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
  • '...' – literal text
  • '' – single quote
  • anything else – literal text

There are also a number of predefined standard date formats available:

  • ATOM = yy-mm-dd (Same as RFC 3339/ISO 8601)
  • COOKIE = D, dd M yy
  • ISO_8601 = yy-mm-dd
  • RFC_822 = D, d M y (See RFC 822)
  • RFC_850 = DD, dd-M-y (See RFC 850)
  • RFC_1036 = D, d M y (See RFC 1036)
  • RFC_1123 = D, d M yy (See RFC 1123)
  • RFC_2822 = D, d M yy (See RFC 2822)
  • RSS = D, d M y (Same as RFC 822)
  • TICKS = !
  • W3C = yy-mm-dd (Same as ISO 8601)

Default: mm/dd/yy

Time format

Format a time into a string value with a specified format. The format can be combinations of the following:

  • H – Hour with no leading 0 (24 hour)
  • HH – Hour with leading 0 (24 hour)
  • h – Hour with no leading 0 (12 hour)
  • hh – Hour with leading 0 (12 hour)
  • m – Minute with no leading 0
  • mm – Minute with leading 0
  • s – Second with no leading 0
  • ss – Second with leading 0
  • l – Milliseconds always with leading 0
  • c – Microseconds always with leading 0
  • t – a or p for AM/PM
  • T – A or P for AM/PM
  • tt – am or pm for AM/PM
  • TT – AM or PM for AM/PM
  • z – Timezone as defined by timezoneList
  • Z – Timezone in Iso 8601 format (+04:45)
  • '...' – Literal text (Uses single quotes)

Default: hh:mm TT


The plugin supports most languages in the world. You just need to select them from the dropdown box in the settings page.

With the selected language, all text in the date time picker will be translated, such as text for prev, next, today, week days, etc.

Since version 2.1.4, you also can set custom text for all buttons, month names, etc. Just in case the auto translation is not as good as expected.

Restrict dates

This is the most powerful weapon the plugin supports. With this feature, you’re able to provide shipping to customers in only some certain days/months.

All you need to do is enter your rules into the textarea box.

You have to following this guide:

  • You can enter only one rule per line
  • Each rule must be a single date or a single date range
  • Date must be formatted in USA format, e.g. mm/dd/yyyy
  • Date range must be formatted: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. fromDate - toDate)
  • You can use stars (*) for day, month or year, which means any day, any month or any year


Single date

Format Meaning
5/12/2013 No shipping on May 12th, 2013
1/1/* No shipping on January 1st of any year (New Year)
8/*/2013 No shipping in October, 2013
*/1/2014 No shipping on first day of any month of 2014
12/*/* No shipping in December of any year
*/1/* No shipping on first day of any month of any year
*/*/2013 No shipping in 2013 at all

Date range

Date range is just combination of from date and to date. Each date in the range must be well-formatted as single date.

Format Meaning
5/12/2013 - 6/1/2013 No shipping from May 12th, 2013 to June 1st, 2013
12/24/* - 1/1/* No shipping from December 24th to January 1st of next year
6/*/* - 8/*/* No shipping from June to October of any year
*/1/* - */5/* No shipping on first 5 days of any month of any year
8/*/* - 12/1/* No shipping from August to December 1st of any year
1/15/* - 2/*/* No shipping from January 15th to February
*/25/* - */1/* No shipping from 25th to 1st day of next month

Restrict by week days

Beside restricting dates by rules above, you can restrict by week days. Just select which days you don’t want to provide shipping from the checkbox list and save.

Disable shipping in the next XXX days

You can disable datetime picker for some days, counting from today.

For ex.:

  • 0: disable today
  • 1: disable today and tomorrow

If you don’t enter any value, the plugin will disables all past days, e.g. before today.

Enable shipping only in the next XXX days

Similar to the option above, you can enable datetime picker for only some days, counting from today.

For ex.:

  • 0: enable today
  • 1: enable today and tomorrow

If you don’t enter any value, the plugin will enable all days.

Disable time

Sometimes you don’t want users to select time for delivery, only dates. Since version 2.1.3, the plugin supports that.

Restrict by hours

You can limit the hours when customers can get their goods delivered. This is very convenience for shop with high quality of delivering.

Limit by number of shipments per day

Some stores offer a limited number of shipments per day, due to their limited resources. This option can help you do this.

The option Max. Number Of Shipments Per Day allows you enter the maximum number of shipments per day that your store can support. And the next option Notification For Exceeded Shipments is the notification that people see when the number of shipments for a specific day exceeds limit set by the option above.


Now you can choose any theme from 21 themes available. It’s helpful when you want the calendar matches your theme color.


Showing input for entering shipping time

By default the plugin shows the input for entering shipping time on the Checkout page, but you might want to display it on other pages as well.

To do that, you can use the shortcode [wdt_field]. This shortcode doesn’t have any attributes. So, use the code follow to insert the shortcode to your page template:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdt_field]' ); ?>

Showing picked shipping time

To show picked shipping time of an order, please use the shortcode [wdt_shipping_time id="ORDER_ID"]. This shortcode requires order ID (please replace with yours).

To show shipping time in your template, please use the following code:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdt_shipping_time id="ORDER_ID" format="DATE_FORMAT"]' ); ?>

The shortcode accepts 2 parameters:

Parameter Description
id Order ID. Required.
format Date format. List of date formats are described here. If no format is entered, the plugin will takes the format in the Settings page. Optional.

Display time picker field in other places on the checkout page

If you’re a developer, you can do that by changing the hook used in the plugin:

  • Open the file inc/delivery-time.php in the plugin
  • On the line 23, you’ll see:
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_order_notes', array( $this, 'show_field' ), 20 );
  • Change woocommerce_before_order_notes to another hook to show the field in a different place. List of hooks can be found here.

Display time picker field in other pages than checkout

To place the date picker field in another page, for example the cart page, you need to overwrite the WooCommerce template file in your theme. These are the basic steps:

  • Create a folder woocommerce/cart in your theme. You can bypass this step if your theme already has this folder.
  • Copy the file templates/cart/cart-totals.php from WooCommerce’s folder and paste it into the woocommerce/cart folder you’ve just created above
  • Open the new copied file and put the following code inside that file:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdt_field]' ); ?>

Then preview in the front end. You might want to move the line to an appropriate place.

To understand about the WooCommerce template, please read this documentation


By default, the shipping time is attached to default WooCommerce email sent to admin. But if your theme is using custom email template, then the new template might overwrite WooCommerce’s template.

To fix that, please find file woocommerce/emails/email-addresses.php in your theme and add the following code to the place where you want the shipping time to appear:

<?php if ( $delivery_time = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_delivery_time', true ) ) : ?>
    $option = wdt_option();
    $label = $option['label'];
    <h3><?php echo $label; ?></h3>
    <p class="text"><?php echo do_shortcode( "[wdt_shipping_time id='" . $order->id . "']" ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

WooCommerce Delivery Time Slots

Welcome! First of all we want to thank you for purchasing our WooCommerce Delivery Time Slots.

In the following sections we will show you how to set up and use the plugin the easiest way possible. Although there’re a lot of things written in this documentation, the plugin itself is not very hard to use. You can go to the plugin settings page and discover everything yourself. This file is more of a reference if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to ask your questions at the support ticket system.

Files included

The download package (.zip) that you get from CodeCanyon contains the following files and folder:

  • woocommerce-delivery-time-slots: main plugin file that need to be uploaded to host to install.
  • docs.html: the documentation file (copy of this page)
  • Licensing: folder of license terms.


After download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file woocommerce-delivery-time-slots.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then click to Plugins -> Add New menu on the left.

add new plugin

In the next page, select the woocommerce-delivery-time-slots file and click Install Now

upload plugin

After uploading the plugin, click Activate Now link to activate the plugin.


If you have an old version of the plugin, please follow the steps below to update it to the latest version:

  • Download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file woocommerce-delivery-time-slots.
  • Unzip the woocommerce-delivery-time-slots to get woocommerce-delivery-time-slots folder.
  • Upload woocommerce-delivery-time-slots folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, overwrite old plugin files


All the plugin settings are merged into WooCommerce’s settings. To see them, please go to WooCommerce -> Settings and click the Shipping tab.

You will see all settings in the bottom of this page.

Below are descriptions of all the settings:


This option make the delivery time mandatory field. Customer must enter delivery time to make order.

Disable for shipping methods

This option allows you to disable the date, time picker for specific shipping methods. Note that, the field is still shown in the checkout page, but when people select a shipping method which is marked as disabled in this option, the input doesn’t show date, time picker for them to select.


This is the text label appeared above the input on the checkout page. By default it’s Delivery Time, but you can change it to anything.

Date format

Format a date into a string value with a specified format. The format can be combinations of the following:

  • d – day of month (no leading zero)
  • dd – day of month (two digit)
  • o – day of the year (no leading zeros)
  • oo – day of the year (three digit)
  • D – day name short
  • DD – day name long
  • m – month of year (no leading zero)
  • mm – month of year (two digit)
  • M – month name short
  • MM – month name long
  • y – year (two digit)
  • yy – year (four digit)
  • @ – Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
  • ! – Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
  • '...' – literal text
  • '' – single quote
  • anything else – literal text

There are also a number of predefined standard date formats available:

  • ATOM = yy-mm-dd (Same as RFC 3339/ISO 8601)
  • COOKIE = D, dd M yy
  • ISO_8601 = yy-mm-dd
  • RFC_822 = D, d M y (See RFC 822)
  • RFC_850 = DD, dd-M-y (See RFC 850)
  • RFC_1036 = D, d M y (See RFC 1036)
  • RFC_1123 = D, d M yy (See RFC 1123)
  • RFC_2822 = D, d M yy (See RFC 2822)
  • RSS = D, d M y (Same as RFC 822)
  • TICKS = !
  • W3C = yy-mm-dd (Same as ISO 8601)

Default: mm/dd/yy


The plugin supports most languages in the world. You just need to select them from the dropdown box in the settings page.

With the selected language, all text in the date time picker will be translated, such as text for prev, next, today, week days, etc.

You also can set custom text for all buttons, month names, etc. Just in case the auto translation is not as good as expected.

Restrict dates

This is the most powerful weapon the plugin supports. With this feature, you’re able to provide shipping to customers in only some certain days/months.

All you need to do is enter your rules into the textarea box.

You have to following this guide:

  • You can enter only one rule per line
  • Each rule must be a single date or a single date range
  • Date must be formatted in USA format, e.g. mm/dd/yyyy
  • Date range must be formatted: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. fromDate - toDate)
  • You can use stars (*) for day, month or year, which means any day, any month or any year


Single date

Format Meaning
5/12/2013 No shipping on May 12th, 2013
1/1/* No shipping on January 1st of any year (New Year)
8/*/2013 No shipping in October, 2013
*/1/2014 No shipping on first day of any month of 2014
12/*/* No shipping in December of any year
*/1/* No shipping on first day of any month of any year
*/*/2013 No shipping in 2013 at all

Date range

Date range is just combination of from date and to date. Each date in the range must be well-formatted as single date.

Format Meaning
5/12/2013 - 6/1/2013 No shipping from May 12th, 2013 to June 1st, 2013
12/24/* - 1/1/* No shipping from December 24th to January 1st of next year
6/*/* - 8/*/* No shipping from June to October of any year
*/1/* - */5/* No shipping on first 5 days of any month of any year
8/*/* - 12/1/* No shipping from August to December 1st of any year
1/15/* - 2/*/* No shipping from January 15th to February
*/25/* - */1/* No shipping from 25th to 1st day of next month

Restrict by week days

Beside restricting dates by rules above, you can restrict by week days. Just select which days you don’t want to provide shipping from the checkbox list and save.

Disable shipping in the next XXX days

You can disable datetime picker for some days, counting from today.

For ex.:

  • 0: disable today
  • 1: disable today and tomorrow

If you don’t enter any value, the plugin will disables all past days, e.g. before today.

Enable shipping only in the next XXX days

Similar to the option above, you can enable datetime picker for only some days, counting from today.

For ex.:

  • 0: enable today
  • 1: enable today and tomorrow

If you don’t enter any value, the plugin will enable all days.

Show time slots

Check this box to allow users to pick time for delivery.

Time slots

Time slots are the time you can delivery goods to customer. It can be a time range (from 2PM to 3PM), or arbitrary time (this afternoon, tomorrow morning).

This options allows you to define any kind of time slots for delivery by simple entering your text in the input box. You can add as many as you want time slots. For example:

  • 8AM – 12AM
  • 2PM – 4PM


  • In the afternoon, after 5PM
  • In the next day

Limit by number of shipments per day

Some stores offer a limited number of shipments per day, due to their limited resources. This option can help you do this.

The option Max. Number Of Shipments Per Day allows you enter the maximum number of shipments per day that your store can support. And the next option Notification For Exceeded Shipments is the notification that people see when the number of shipments for a specific day exceeds limit set by the option above.


Now you can choose any theme from 21 themes available. It’s helpful when you want the calendar matches your theme color.


Showing input for entering shipping time

By default the plugin shows the input for entering shipping time on the Checkout page, but you might want to display it on other pages as well.

To do that, you can use the shortcode [wdts_field]. This shortcode doesn’t have any attributes. So, use the code follow to insert the shortcode to your page template:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdts_field]' ); ?>

Showing picked shipping time

To show picked shipping time of an order, please use the shortcode [wdts_shipping_time id="ORDER_ID"]. This shortcode requires order ID (please replace with yours).

To show shipping time in your template, please use the following code:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdts_shipping_time id="ORDER_ID"]' ); ?>

Display time picker field in other places on the checkout page

If you’re a developer, you can do that by changing the hook used in the plugin:

  • Open the file inc/delivery-time.php in the plugin
  • On the line 23, you’ll see:
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_order_notes', array( $this, 'show_field' ), 20 );
  • Change woocommerce_before_order_notes to another hook to show the field in a different place. List of hooks can be found here.

Display time picker field in other pages than checkout

To place the date picker field in another page, for example the cart page, you need to overwrite the WooCommerce template file in your theme. These are the basic steps:

  • Create a folder woocommerce/cart in your theme. You can bypass this step if your theme already has this folder.
  • Copy the file templates/cart/cart-totals.php from WooCommerce’s folder and paste it into the woocommerce/cart folder you’ve just created above
  • Open the new copied file and put the following code inside that file:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wdts_field]' ); ?>

Then preview in the front end. You might want to move the line to an appropriate place.

To understand about the WooCommerce template, please read this documentation


By default, the shipping time is attached to default WooCommerce email sent to admin. But if your theme is using custom email template, then the new template might overwrite WooCommerce’s template.

To fix that, please find file woocommerce/emails/email-addresses.php in your theme and add the following code to the place where you want the shipping time to appear:

<?php if ( $delivery_time = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_delivery_date', true ) ) : ?>
    $option = wdts_option();
    $label = $option['label'];
    <h3><?php echo $label; ?></h3>
    <p class="text"><?php echo do_shortcode( "[wdts_shipping_time id='" . $order->id . "']" ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

Hide Admin Menu

Welcome! First of all we want to thank you for purchasing our Hide Admin Menu plugin.

In the following sections we will show you how to set up and use the plugin the easiest way possible. Although there’re a lot of things written in this documentation, the plugin itself is not very hard to use. You can go to the plugin settings page and discover everything yourself. This file is more of a reference if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to ask your questions at the support ticket system.

Files included

The download package (.zip) that you get from CodeCanyon contains the following files and folder:

  • hide-admin-menu.zip: main plugin file that need to be uploaded to host to install.
  • docs.html: the documentation file (copy of this page)


After download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file hide-admin-menu.zip.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then click to Plugins -> Add New menu on the left.

add new plugin

In the next page, select the hide-admin-menu.zip file and click Install Now

upload plugin

After uploading the plugin, click Activate Now link to activate the plugin.


If you have an old version of the plugin, please follow the steps below to update it to the latest version:

  • Download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file hide-admin-menu.zip.
  • Unzip the hide-admin-menu.zip to get hide-admin-menu folder.
  • Upload hide-admin-menu folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, overwrite old plugin files


Normal usage

Just go to the Dashboard > Hide Admin Menu and check the menu items you want to hide for specific roles.

MultiSite usage

Since version 2.1, you can setup menu visibility for whole network only ONCE. You don’t need to go to each blog admin page to setup the plugin anymore.

To do this, just go go Network Dashboard -> Hide Admin Menu and from here you can toggle menu items for all site at once, similarly to what you did for a single WordPress website.

Remove plugin settings

There is a situation when you accidentally block yourself from accessing the Dashboard. In that case, you need to remove the plugin settings to let you in.

Doing that by inserting the following lines into your theme’s functions.php file:

delete_option( 'rw_hide_admin_menu' );
delete_option( 'rw_hide_admin_bar' );

Then you can log into your website. After that, removing the lines to use the plugin as normal.