Hide Admin Menu

Welcome! First of all we want to thank you for purchasing our Hide Admin Menu plugin.

In the following sections we will show you how to set up and use the plugin the easiest way possible. Although there’re a lot of things written in this documentation, the plugin itself is not very hard to use. You can go to the plugin settings page and discover everything yourself. This file is more of a reference if you do not know what to do, or if you are not familiar with WordPress.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to ask your questions at the support ticket system.

#Files included

The download package (.zip) that you get from CodeCanyon contains the following files and folder:

  • hide-admin-menu.zip: main plugin file that need to be uploaded to host to install.
  • docs.html: the documentation file (copy of this page)


After download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file hide-admin-menu.zip.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then click to Plugins -> Add New menu on the left.

add new plugin

In the next page, select the hide-admin-menu.zip file and click Install Now

upload plugin

After uploading the plugin, click Activate Now link to activate the plugin.


If you have an old version of the plugin, please follow the steps below to update it to the latest version:

  • Download the .zip package from CodeCanyon, unzip it and you will see a file hide-admin-menu.zip.
  • Unzip the hide-admin-menu.zip to get hide-admin-menu folder.
  • Upload hide-admin-menu folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, overwrite old plugin files


#Normal usage

Just go to the Dashboard > Hide Admin Menu and check the menu items you want to hide for specific roles.

#MultiSite usage

Since version 2.1, you can setup menu visibility for whole network only ONCE. You don’t need to go to each blog admin page to setup the plugin anymore.

To do this, just go go Network Dashboard -> Hide Admin Menu and from here you can toggle menu items for all site at once, similarly to what you did for a single WordPress website.

#Remove plugin settings

There is a situation when you accidentally block yourself from accessing the Dashboard. In that case, you need to remove the plugin settings to let you in.

Doing that by inserting the following lines into your theme’s functions.php file:

delete_option( 'rw_hide_admin_menu' );
delete_option( 'rw_hide_admin_bar' );

Then you can log into your website. After that, removing the lines to use the plugin as normal.